Wednesday, January 26, 2022

A Trip North Before We Head South

 We headed north to Ft. Collins Saturday morning on icy roads for quite a while - we did have some snow the day before - in fact it snowed most of the day but it was the little stuff coming down and didn't accumulate much, just a couple of inches but with ice underneath!  Coffee from Human Bean always makes the drive go faster!

The Keppys were to meet us up at Jill's for the afternoon and dinner together but Jessi texted that Gwyn had a bad cold so they weren't comfortable bringing her up - darn!  We spent the afternoon playing cards and games and even had the guys join us so we could all play Bunco together!

There was plenty to eat for dinner since the Keppys didn't come - yummy million dollar spaghetti, Ceasar salad and garlic knot rolls!  YUM! While the guys watched the ballgame that night, the rest of us went to the lower level and watched the new Disney movie, Encanto!  I loved it!!  And the kids who usually won't sit through a movie on TV, watched the entire thing and enjoyed it also!

Sunday morning was Parkers' first communion at church - how special that we were there for it!  (we had quite the time trying to get his boutonniere to stay on!)

Before communion, there were pictures up on the screen of all the 5th graders who were taking communion for the first time.  And Parker received his certificate and a cross after church!

After church we celebrated Parker's birthday which is Feb. 13 - we will be in Mexico by then so he got to open his gift early AND eat a Hostess cupcake while we sang happy birthday!

By early afternoon it was time to say our goodbyes for the next 3 months and head to Denver to see the other crew - Gwyn was feeling a little better by then.  Thanks Savages for a great time!


Teri said...

How special to see everyone before you head out!

Jill said...

Wish you could have stayed longer but the time we had was great!