Thursday, October 20, 2022

Crazy Busy Times

 Sometimes life just doesn't slow down!  But that's OK to be busy as long as you have some "down" time!

It seemed like Glenn packed for 3 weeks for his hunting trip but he FINALLY got left on a Wed. morning to meet Neal up in Walden - he wasn't super hopeful on getting an elk because of the late fall, nice warm temps and no moisture!  But time would tell....

I had a 4-H Foundation meeting and then a dentist appt. that same day.  Thursday I had an early PT appt. and then stopped in Co. Springs to get some new tennis shoes before I headed up to Denver!  Evan had a XCountry meet that afternoon so Jessi and I headed over and met Gary there - it was one that was close by so that was good!

Unfortunately Evan had been sick the day before so didn't run his best but it's always still fun to see him run!  It was a beautiful day out!

Then we raced home as Evan had his band concert that night - I went with Gary to take Evan early and helped save seats till Jessi, Kenzie and Gwyn arrived!!  The concert was wonderful - I loved listening to the 3 different bands that played that night!

Friday morning after walking Gwyn to school, Jessi and I got to do coffee together!  Always fun!  She headed to work and I went back to the house for a little while before heading to the place to have my neck ultrasound done - my endocronologist requires this since my thyroid cancer.  And then it was back to Jessi's to go pick up Gwyn at school and get organized for dinner!

Once again we headed to the high school, this time for the 2 jazz band conerts.  Evan is in jazz band II and both groups were awesome!  They have some real talent at that school!

And then it was off to Dairy Queen for ice cream!

What a jam packed 3 days - but it wasn't quite over yet!  I headed home early the next morning to get organized and the Keppys arrived about 2:00!  They were headed to Mt. Princeton Hot Springs the next day and wanted an "extra" night of vacation (it's fall break for the kids!)  Jaime and Kylan came over late afternoon and I fed them all!

The next morning Jessi and I headed over to The Wild Horse for coffee - it's all decorated so cute!  Unfortunately we had to wait a while for our coffee as there was just one person working and it was busy!  Worth the wait though!

Gary had their car all packed up by the time we got back and they headed out!  I had a couple of hours of downtime and then headed to Arlyne's for choir girls get together - we met mid-afternoon and had an early dinner so we could get back home before nightfall which is getting earlier every day!

And Monday????  That was MY DAY!  I totally enjoyed having the day to myself!  Coffee on the front porch, phone calls and texts, computer things and lots of reading!  I DO enjoy my alone time and since Joleen was headed in on Tuesday, I relished my Monday all by myself!


Teri said...

Wow - you sure pack in a lot. I can understand the alone time! I am looking forward to a couple of nights by myself when Jay has to go to Grand Rapids!

Jill said...

Another busy weekend for you!

DrKeppy said...

We were so glad to have so much fun with you!!! Thanks for letting us crash at your place too! It made your Monday alone time that much better -ha!