Monday, October 17, 2022

One Last Chance

 Since our fall trip didn't produce any gold aspens, we decided we would head to Buffalo Peaks for a couple of nights and ATV over that way - yea, that didn't go so well either!

Glenn had decided that ONCE AGAIN the razor wasn't running right (when we got home from the Montrose area) so he had tore it apart and decided to put new rings in it AGAIN!  Expensive ones!  They were supposed to be in on a Friday before we were to leave the next Monday but they didn't come in - nor did they come in Saturday.  We were both very exasperated by that time! And because of scheduled appointments that next week, we couldn't change our dates to go - so when the part finally came in, Glenn fixed the razor and we just ended up driving over for the day.  It worked out OK - this just wasn't the way I wanted it to be as I wanted to camp one more time.......

ANYWAY, enough complaining - next year WILL go better I'm sure!

We headed over and unloaded - it was gray and cloudy on and off all day but we made the best of it!

As you can see, most of the aspens were already gone!  But there were still some great views!  And yes, that is snow on the mountains!

We found one nice patch of aspens and that's where I took these couple of pictures!

We stopped at a pretty place and enjoyed lunch - it was cold out so we were dressed pretty darn warm!

The day was fine and we made the best of our last time this year riding together in the mountains.  Glenn will take the Razor hunting but for me, this was it for the year!  Next year's pictures of the aspens will be great I'm sure!  


Teri said...

So sad! But there is always next year. We missed a lot of the color being gone and have decided there will be no more Sept-Oct vacations!

Jill said...

Well darn on the leaves this year! That razor sure gives you guys problems. The leaves here in FC are beautiful right now!

DrKeppy said...

Darn! Sometimes things just don't go as planned!