Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Grab Bag Gifts and Predictions

 We continued the day with the kids Grab Bag Gifts - they all had fun playing the "dice" game and claiming their gifts - and as expected, most of them ended up with the one they had put in!

Then the adults did their grab bag gifts - we all had fun and most of us enjoyed the gifts we brought home - Glenn and I ended up with a nice lantern that is chargeable AND a solar phone charger - I'm sure we'll put both to good use!

Everyone went their separate ways after lunch - some did ceramics, some went tubing, some went hiking and some played with these guns outside - this is Parker and Kylan!  Glenn took a nap and I had some quiet time in the cabin!

Here's the guys just hanging out later!

And here's the grand kids eating - although this must be from Friday night since Sat. night, Jaime and Jessi served up some taco and enchilada soup with lots of toppings - it was excellent!

I had made my mom's old recipe of peppermint dessert so we enjoyed it Sat. night - the picture is at the end for some unknown reason!

The kids decided they wanted to go back to the gym to play volleyball so Rayna and Matias took all the kids except Gwyn over to play!  The rest of us stayed at the cabin to do our predictions!  Glenn and I did absolutely AWFUL on them - wow - it was pretty pathetic!!  And the winners:  Jill and Robby took home the cash!

We started playing cards (not sure why Gary isn't in this picture) and this mouse kept running around the cabin!!  Every time we saw him it was kind of a shock and everyone would scream!

Brad had asked earlier in the day at housekeeping for someone to come over and bring traps but they never showed up!  The little thing would run around from the kitchen to the dining area into the living room!  Jessi caught him on camera up on the couch!

I was sitting there playing cards when I felt something on my shoulder - I screamed and stood up and Gary yelled MOUSE and I just knew that thing was on me!!!  I'm sure I was a sight yelling get it off me!!  Then I happened to look down at my chair and there's a spider on it that I apparently brushed off - geesh!!  After that, Glenn and I went back to our cabin and got 2 mousetraps (we had seen the traps earlier) and brought them over and set them!  (and yes, a mouse was caught that night!!)

Anyway, a fun evening and the kids had a great time again playing volleyball!!

The next morning it was time to pack up, have one last cinnamon roll with coffee and head back home!  Another fantastic time in Granby with the family!

It's a beautiful drive there  -  and I had Glenn slow down so I could take this picture on the way home!

And here's the peppermint dessert!


Teri said...

What fun times. What a beautiful picture of the mountains. So funny about the mouse - not much fun though.

DrKeppy said...

Oh that mouse!! Gary and Gwyn were roller skating so that's why he wasn't in that picture. I don't think I'll ever forget "the mouse on your shoulder!" HA!

Jill said...

That night was sure memorable with the mouse!