Tuesday, December 13, 2022

It's Jam Making Time!

 I can already taste the jam on those homemade tortillas in Mexico - yes, I take 4 jars of jam with me to Mexico and no, I don't bring any home!  

Jaime and I planned our day to make jam and it went very smooth!  This year we opted for cherry, raspberry, strawberry and triple berry jam!  Jaime brought the goods for 2 batches and I had the fruit for the other 2 batches.

Last year I had mistakenly bought the "less sugar" sure gel for the jam - we decided to go ahead and try it and I couldn't tell the difference!  The GOOD part is that it uses a LOT less sugar - the regular sure gel takes up to 8 cups of sugar for some of the jams - WOW - that's like eating a couple of tablespoons of sugar with each pancake!

We wore our Christmas shirts, listened to Christmas music and stopped for coffee in the middle of it all!

Here's the finished product!

It was a great jam making day and I love that Jaime lives close enough to make it with me each year!


Teri said...

What a fun project to do together!!

Jill said...

So fun! Maybe since I don't get the cracker mix I should get jelly!

DrKeppy said...

YUM But you forgot to mention your lost jars!! Unless you found them?!!