Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Snow & Rain - Spring?

 Late spring snows ARE THE BEST!  Heavy, wet moisture and the funny thing is, the weatherman never gets it right!  When there is a SLIGHT chance of some snow, that's when we get the storm!

May 11th the heavy wet snow came in - I was glad I didn't have to go anywhere that day as the snow was coming down fast!  And because it's SO heavy and wet, it sticks to the trees!

I took this picture from our bedroom - see the snow on the roof starting to slide!

It was an AWESOME day to watch it snow while I started my spring cleaning!

If you look to the left of the picture under the 5th wheel, you can see a tree that was completely bent over - actually there are 2 right there so Glenn went out and got the snow off and they both popped right back up!  Yay - it's sad to have those trees snap from the heavy snow!  Lots of limbs and branches around that did snap off though!

We're really not sure how much snow we got because a lot of it melted as it hit the ground but we think about a foot actually came down!

Then on May 15th we had quite the rain and hail storm come in!  WOW was it loud!  

But the moisture is very welcome as Colorado is so dry - as long as it's not the big stuff, we'll take it!

And now over a week later, we have had rain almost every day!  But because of the cold temps at night, the leaves are JUST starting to pop out - yes, a late spring!


DrKeppy said...

Those spring snows always amaze me!!! Yay for the moisture!!

Teri said...

That is just amazing! We could sure use the rain here too!

Jill said...

Gotta love those spring storms! Fort Collins sure got some weather too, but not that snow!