Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Relatives and Rain

 Sleeping well at a hotel is a PLUS in my book!  Glenn met Jim for coffee in the lobby and soon Brenda and I joined them for breakfast -  we packed the car in the pouring rain and headed to the local Scooters so I could get coffee!

Glenn had wanted to drive by Shawn and Kristy's house who live in Webster City - Shawn had told Glenn they lived by the high school - so we headed over that way!  We figured we would see their large camper in their yard!  Since we didn't see anything at the front of the school, Glenn pulled over to a gravel area so we could turn around and a car did go by - a minute later my phone rings and even though I didn't recognize the number, Glenn said you better answer it as it was local from that area!

Good thing I did - it was Kristie - they were in the car that had went by and recognized us!!  We told them we were just trying to drive by their house so they gave us directions and soon we drove by - they were headed back to Eagle Grove for wedding present opening so wouldn't be around but it was still fun to see their place - and we had to get going to Onawa for Glenn's family reunion anyway!

Had a nice drive through the countryside - the corn was looking fantastic and we saw areas we had never been to before!  (Although I did recognize a Freedom Rock that Patty and I had seen on our Iowa journey one year!)

It rained off and on the entire time - good thing Glenn's sister had rented the shelter house at Blue Lake because it was kind of a miserable afternoon!!  We enjoyed seeing Maggie and Chance and Neal and visiting with them while we ate!

Gosh there was a lot of wonderful food!  AND PIE - EVEN PEACH!!  YUMMY!

Most of the group that were there!

Glenn and 3 of his sisters

Nedelle had to work till 4:00 so she arrived as soon as she could!  We hung out there for awhile and then took the 3 grandkids out for ice cream!

We headed back to Soldier early evening - Patty and Leonard were back home from Eagle Grove with their 5th wheel which is basically what they had been living out of for over a month!  I helped Patty get it cleaned out on Monday and besides a few other things she needed done, we basically just sat and talked and talked and cried together!  It was a special time to be with her and I'm so glad we could spend that time together!

Wednesday morning we headed back home - another long drive but between coffee at Scooters again and yummy chocolate shakes at Arby's, we weren't lacking for our chocolate!!


DrKeppy said...

Glad you got to see everyone all at once - booo on the rain!

Teri said...

Glad you were there and got to see so many of Glenn's family!

Sherry said...

Was great to see you guys again.

Jill said...

You got to see a lot of people during that trip! Thanks for letting me ride with you!