Saturday, September 28, 2024

Just How Much Can We Do In ONE Day?

 If it's us, we can jam pack a lot of things in one day!  Take last week for instance - we were headed to Denver and then Ft Collins for a total of 4 days! So we headed out about 9:00am with our first stop in Co. Springs to visit Dick and Arlyne at the Morning Star Assisted Living - it was fun to catch up with them and then it was on to Denver, after stopping for lunch!

We arrived at Jessi's with enough time to visit a little bit with Jessi and Gary and then we walked to Gwyns' school for Grandparents Day/Ice Cream Social!

It was bright and sunny at the school - they had chairs set up outside so we moved 3 of them into the shade which was perfect!  Popsicles for the kids and vanilla or chocolate for the adults - and bonus, a cute Grandparents mug!

Then we headed back to the house to change clothes and pack warmer clothes for later - we headed to Kenzies' volleyball game which was a ways away and it was rush hour - always interesting to get through the traffic! Jessi and Gary both came but we drove 2 cars as Gary and Jessi left before the game got over!  Kenzie played SO WELL and we both love watching her play!

They went to 3 sets but unfortunately they lost!  We ended up eating our dinner during the last set so we didn't have to eat in the car!  Glenn and I headed out after the game to go to the Homecoming Football Game where Evan would play in the pep band AND do the 1/2 time show!  I changed in the car and Glenn changed what he needed to as soon as we got there!  Luckily there was still parking spots and the game started just as we arrived!

The half time show was amazing!!  This band does such a great job with their playing and their movements!!

It was chilly at the game but not as bad as sometimes!!  I had plenty of clothes on so stayed warm!

Evan joined us for a picture before he went back to the pep band!

Jessi, Gwyn and I decided to leave during the 3rd quarter - we're not that interested in football so we headed home and after that LONG day, I was tired!!!!

Friday morning I woke up in time to join Gary and Jessi on their walk with Kona - Gary captured the sunrise perfectly!

Jessi and I headed to an early coffee before she had to go to work -then I headed back to the house and hung out with the kids before we took them to Slim Chickens for lunch - what a fun time! (they were out of school for the day!)

After dropping them back at the house, we headed to Ft Collins - what a fun and eventful time at the Keppys!!!!!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Wow, you did pack a lot into those days!