Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pumpkin Fun

It was Pumpkin Patch Weekend in Denver - and Jaime needed a babysitter for Saturday so I headed to Denver after work on Friday! I can't believe what good time I made - for ONCE the traffic was light!

But the Pumpkin Patch was NOT to be - we all woke up to very cold and snowy weather! Just the thought of dressing kids in heavy coats, mittens, and hats (not to mention us ADULTS dong the same) and walking around in 19 degree weather made me cold!! So Jessi and her kids came on over to Jaime's and we had our own pumpkin party!! We dressed the kids in orange, decorated pumpkins and made a pumpkin cake - yes, it was YUMMY!!

The boys had a ball painting on the pumpkins, even though the paint didn't stick very well, but at least the clean-up was easy since it was washable paint!

I spent a nice afternoon with Kylan and Rayna and was ready to hit the road by 5:00! I went out to start the car early since the ice on the windshield was about an inch thick and started packing up when I realized there was a message on my cell phone - it was Glenn - telling me the roads in Colorado Springs were NOT good - in fact, there had been a 50 car pileup on the interstate that morning and when Glenn left to go to Colorado Springs, he counted 20 cars in the ditch on the way down the pass!! Goodness - there was NO WAY I was starting out in that kind of road conditions! So another night spent in Denver which was fun since I got to spend some extra time with Jaime who had worked all day!
Sunday the roads were better so I met Glenn in the Springs and we headed to Pueblo - our grandchild Nedelle from Iowa was in the area for a week so we picked her up and took her to a movie that afternoon, Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs!! It was a cute movie and she enjoyed it - the movie is 3-D but the theater we saw it in wasn't - but I can sure see how fun it would have been to do that! After a stop for some ice cream, we delivered her back to her mom and headed home - only to find a message on our recorder that our seasonal neighbors had invited us over for wine and dessert!! They were heading out the next morning and wanted to thank Glenn for draining water pipes a couple of weeks ago so we headed across the road to their place and spent an hour with them! FINALLY we were home to stay - with another fun weekend under our belts! But unfortunately with the knowledge that we would have to work ESPECIALLY hard this next week to catch up before the next weekend rolls around!!


DrKeppy said...

You got some really good pictures - I can't believe you have one of all 3 little ones smiling - amazing! Maybe next year we'll get to go to the pumpkin patch!

ahh bear said...

Mmmmm - pumpkin cake! All the kids looked really cute in orange!

Teri said...

It is fun when weekends don't turn out as planned but are even better that way! Sounds like a great weekend!