Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Weekend At HOME!

It's getting bad when you're totally excited about spending the weekend at HOME! The past few weekends have been so busy that I was extremely content to know that there were no major weekend plans - or so I thought!

Did I accomplish anything over the weekend? ABSOLUTELY! I had my list made and I crossed off those items just as fast as I did them! Besides the dozens of little things that I did, the major accomplishments were:

1) Defrosting the freezer (even though it's a self-defrost, it had ice built up from Glenn freezing tons of ice for his hunt) and re-organizing

2) Cleaning out the pantry

3) Putting the summer clothes away, winter clothes out, and cleaning out our bedroom closet and under the bathroom sink

4) Dusting and vaccuming all 3 levels

5) 4 loads of laundry

6) Re-organizing the storage room (because you couldn't even walk in it anymore!)

If it sounds like a lot, believe me, it WAS!! But it was done over the course of Friday night, Sat. and Sunday!

Glenn was doing a granite job at our neighbors' and since he had the kitchen tore apart, she couldn't cook so brought home KFC and invited us up to eat with some other neighbors - all right, no cooking THAT night!

Saturday night we had made plans to go with 7 other couples from our subdivision to Colorado Springs for dinner - we rode with neighbors and ate at Edelweiss - a German restaurant - excellent food - a very loud and boisterous place!! So again, I didn't have to cook!

And Sunday evening, we were invited over to Martin and Joleen's for a turkey dinner - can you believe it, again NO COOKING!

I did make a pot of chile and a dessert during the day on Sat. since we had help hired Saturday for the granite install. And the leftovers tasted just great last night! I really should break down and cook dinner tonight but since it's "girls night out", that just isn't going to happen!


DrKeppy said...

I can't even get that many things done over the course of a year! Why oh why did you not give me your cleaning genes???

ahh bear said...

I love LISTS ... especially ones of tasks accomplished ... we are definitely related!

Teri said...

I wish I could get more done - I try to make lists but then I lose them:)