Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Visit From The Keppy's!

Had it really been 6 months since Jessi's had been to our house?? YES - it had and it was so great to have her and the 2 kids visit for 2 nights this last weekend!!

Weather wise it was a great weekend!! Some sunshine, some clouds but all in all no complaints - well, I take that back - it WAS windy on Saturday afternoon for our outdoor tea party!!

Evan was excited when Papa decided to work on the hot tub (the motor went out). He got his box of tools and did his best to help out!! He ran into the house once saying he needed to get his "safety" goggles as Papa told him they were needed - so that's just what he did!!

Saturday morning Papa made pancakes with his new pancake squirt bottle and the kids loved their special ones!

After breakfast we were off to the city-wide garage sale!! Luckily, the sun wasn't beating down so it was a nice walk through the high school parking lot!! Jessi bought a couple of things - I ended up with a humidifier (my yearly purchase it seems - but for $2.00 you just can't beat it), 4 books and the most exciting deal - a new espresso maker!!! I had been checking online for a new one since my old one doesn't steam the milk hot any longer, just barely lukewarm!! There was one for sale that had never been out of the box for a whopping $15.00 and it works perfectly!!

Then it was off to get coffee for Jessi and I and smoothies for the kiddos which we all drank at the neat playpark at the elementary school!! There's SO much to do there!

Aren't these two just as cute as can be???

The rest of the day was spent mostly outside - with Evan riding the bike and Kenzie strolling the doll buggy up and down the deck!! Evan and I did play with one of our new outside games and had fun doing that!

Also on the docket was a tea party with REAL water as Evan puts it!! It's nice to have it outside so if there's a spill (and there usually is), it's no problem at all!! Yes, it was a little windy but still fun!!

Jessi and I made yummy spicy chicken linguine for dinner!! Her kids go to bed really well and it's always fun to watch a movie with Jessi - especially a chick flick - but the one we chose was not that great at all - it was called The Switch and I honestly wouldn't recommend it!!

Coffee on the deck the next morning was wonderful!! Jessi made us all laugh when she attempted to hula-hoop!! I guess I don't think much about it as I do it as part of my regular exercise routine but Jessi actually wasn't good at it at all - that's OK - she beat me twice at Bananagrams again so it's nice to know I can do SOMETHING better than her!!

Evan came running in a little later and said I had to get my camera and take a picture of him in the wheelbarrow with Papa pushing him in it!! "Just like Ranya's picture" he said!! Many years ago Glenn put Rayna in the wheelbarrow and pushed her all around - I took a picture of it and it has been on Jaime's refrigerator for years!! Apparently he wanted one just like it for his frig!!

After cinnamon rolls, the troop headed back to Denver with promises of returning again this summer!! What a fun weekend we had - now if only the cleaning fairy would come and do the laundry and clean the house!!


ahh bear said...

The pic of the kids holding hands is TOO cute!

I need a cleaning fairy too!!!

DrKeppy said...

You got some cute pictures! I guess I'm going to have to practice my hula-hooping skills.... Thanks for the fun weekend!

Teri said...

What more could you ask for - kids and grandkids - how fun!