Wednesday, June 29, 2011

We've Declared WAR..........

on the chipmunks!! This last weekend, we spent time planting LOTS of flowers in all of our pots that we keep on the deck - all those pretty blossoms in different shades of yellow, pink, purple and blue!

And then to walk out on the deck on Monday morning to see EVERY blossom eaten off!!

I've noticed we've had an abundance of the cute little devils this year and seems like there is ALWAYS one eating at the bird feeder - which I don't mind - BUT LEAVE THE FLOWERS ALONE!!!

As I was leaving for work this morning, I noticed Glenn stalking our property with a gun in hand - hmmmmmmmm - suppose I should warn the chipmunks?


DrKeppy said...

But they're so cute!! :)

Teri said...

You mean you are going after Chip and Dale and Alvin and the Chipmunks???? How could you!