Sunday, September 18, 2011

Evan & Mackenzie's Weekend

WOW - another weekend with grand kids - how lucky can we be!!

Jessi and Gary had decided a long time ago to celebrate their anniversary (early) on Saturday and had asked us in advance if we would watch the kids - absolutely!! They all headed down on Friday afternoon and of course were already there when I arrived home from work!! Even Glenn had come back late Friday morning from his week long hunting trip - sorry to say, no meat for the freezer!!

We grilled some pork loin and I had made a yummy dessert so we ate well that evening and the 4 adults watched "Unstoppable" after putting the kids to bed!

Sleeping in is always fun on the weekends and the kids even slept in so we all were happy!! Glenn cooked us a great breakfast and then Gary and Jessi were out the door for a day of fishing and hiking!!

Can you tell this picture was taken while they were both watching TV? It's VERY difficult to get kids to look your way when Sponge-Bob is on!!

We headed to Mueller State Park to go to the Visitor Center first - it was still pretty cold out and the sun was doing its' best to stay behind the clouds!! The kids loved seeing the animals there and did the chalk drawings around the center!! They're both great posers whenever I wanted to take a picture and I appreciated that!!

Then it was off to the Dragonfly Nature Trail!!

\They loved running along the path to the different exhibits but I think the pond was their favorite - they really enjoyed watching all the water bugs!!

By this time we really thought the sun was going to come out for good so we headed to the play park in Divide - one we had never been to before!! I LOVED the colors of the playground equipment but it was cold so after snacks we headed back to the house!!

I kept looking and looking at the picture below sensing something was wrong with it - it was cute because Glenn kept standing in her way and she would actually bump him with her feet while she was swinging - pretty soon it dawned on me - Glenn had put her in the swing backwards!

We had lunch on the deck, the kids took naps, we played with toys, Evan got in the hot tub, and we went on an adventure walk!!

Before we knew it, Jessi and Gary were back from their fun day so we grilled some hot dogs and then later built a fire in the fire pit and roasted marshmallows!!! Evan and Kenzie had NEVER been around a fire much so loved sitting there and watching it!!

Yes, it was pretty chilly out that evening but perfect weather for hot-tubbing which Jessi and Gary did while we watched TV!! It sure was a fun weekend with everyone!


Teri said...

Sounds perfect! Can I join in?

DrKeppy said...

Seriously cute pictures (and kids!)! I'm so glad you had a great time with them because we sure had a great time without them LOL! Thanks Nana!!