Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Black Friday

5:45am came all too quickly when you haven't had a good nights' sleep!!!  But Black Friday is tradition - has been for many, many years so I crawled out of bed and dressed and soon the 4 of us were off to Kohl's!!

It was actually VERY nice to shop at Kohl's without the jam packed aisles and the hours' wait to check out!!    And who can beat the Kohl's cash? So I bought what I could and we didn't stand in line for more than a few minutes!

Coffee was in order for me and Einsteins Bagels was close by so we headed there so I could enjoy my coffee on the way to the mall!  It was excellent!

Jill had FREE Disney points to buy gifts with so she was one excited lady!!  Jaime and I meandered up to Sears and Penneys to see what we could find with a stop for a pretzel along the way!  We all seemed to find what we were looking for so we headed out to the car and Jill decided to show me what she had bought at the Disney Store - and then she panicked - she only had ONE large sackful and she was supposed to have TWO!!

Her and Jessi mentally backtracked where they had been and Jessi seemed to remember that she was carrying 2 Disney bags but Jill wasn't sure!!  So Jill and Jaime headed back into the mall to see if she had left it at the Disney Store.

In the meantime, Jessi and I are standing outside the car as it's SO nice out and there's a lineup of cars in the aisle  as one lady was trying to back out and another lady was waiting to take her space!  But the lady backing out did NOT have enough room so she was just sitting there - oh my - the 2nd car in line was getting frustrated so I knew I needed to take action!!  SO I did - I made the 2nd lady in line back up some - then I told the first lady to back up - and by then the lady backing out had enough room to get out of that parking space and everybody was happy!!

AND SO WAS JILL!!! When Jill had checked out at the Disney Store, the person had NOT given her the 2nd bag at all!!  So it was waiting for her at the store - mission accomplished and everyone was good to go!!

One more stop at Gordmans and then we broke for lunch at Baja Fresh - excellent Mexican!!

We stopped again at Target since I forgot to pick up a DVD and we all made ANOTHER haul there!!  Then we were off to Southlands for our last couple of stops before we headed home!  We were all getting giggly by that time as we were all so tired!

By that time I was exhausted and needed a rest - so I headed to Jessi's basement, put some Vicks on my nose so I could breathe and relaxed for an hour - it was heavenly!!

Later that afternoon we all congregated back at Jaime's for Papa Murphys pizza, a movie for the kids, and some "phone instruction" time for me!!

Weary but happy, we all made it an early night for some sleep and I have to say, I DID sleep really well that night!!!  What a great Thanksgiving and shopping day!

1 comment:

Teri said...

I missed my Black Friday with Emily but Jay and I found some great bargains at normal hours in Chicago! Couldn't believe all the great buys we found and we got to sleep in! Next year I will be out and about with Em again!