Sunday, December 2, 2012

I Brought Home A Surprise!

Thursday morning I headed to Denver!  Jaime and I had laser treatments scheduled for the afternoon and I also had some Kohl's cash to spend so decided to TRY and finish up my Christmas shopping!
One nice thing about heading to Denver in the morning is that the traffic isn't too bad and I made good time!  I picked up Jaime and we headed over to Caribou for coffee - believe it or not, every table was taken so we had to sit in the car to drink it!!  But it was still great!!
I was VERY disappointed when we stopped at Big 5 because they discontinued carrying the shoes that I always buy there!  They're just slip-on loafers but I buy brown, gray and black ones and desperately needed a pair of black ones but it was not to be......
We headed to Kohl's and I spent my cash on a  pair of black ear muffs for me and a couple of really cute towels for the bathroom with moose on them!  Then it was off to pick up Jessi and head over to Costco where I picked up Garys' and Evans' gift - my list is getting smaller and smaller!!  Lunch was at Red Robin, always good!!
Jessi had told me I could take Kenzie home with me if I wanted to since they were heading down the following evening so I did just that!!  She was SO excited to be with me and after a stop at Hobby Lobby and grocery shopping, we pulled in the driveway and REALLY surprised Papa!
Kenzie is very easy going, especially when she's not around her parents and her brother - isn't that the way it always is?  As long as I had plenty of food around, she was fine!  One of her favorite places to sit was right in front of the gas fireplace on my fuzzy blanket!
 She slept great Thursday night and on Friday morning went into work with me!!  We ran a couple of errands and she played while I did a little bit of work but was sure ready to go back to our place when Jill called and said they were on their way!

Glenn even got off early on Friday!!  And was pleasantly surprised when one of his "barters" came through - 3 cases of a local made beer that he really likes!  They make it in the larger bottles that have the resealable tops which I think is a great idea since drinking an entire bottle of one of those might just be a tad too much.............

Jill and I made meals while the 3 kids slept and before long it was dinner and time for the rest of the Keppys to arrive...........To Be Cont'd

1 comment:

Teri said...

What fun! So nice you have your grandchildren close. Two more days and I get to see mine!