Sunday, November 9, 2014

Bring The Music - We Have The Dance Floor!

WOW is all I can say after the crew left on Saturday - they accomplished a lot!!  It was fun to watch the sub floor go from this...........

 To this!!!!  I was ready to dance!!

The lower level is framed in now and I could actually make out the size of the rooms since lower level is the same as the upper!

 Looking into the guest bedroom and bathroom.

 Large area will be the pool table and exercise room - Where Glenn is standing will be the mechanical room with the other part being all storage!

 Looking up at the ceiling on the left hand side is where the stairway will be to come down!

Logs arrive tomorrow!!  More pictures on the way!


Jill said...

Wish I was on my way for the dance party! Can't believe it's going up so fast!

Teri said...

Wow - they are working so fast!!!!

DrKeppy said...

I still can't believe how quick it is going up - it looks fantastic!