Thursday, November 6, 2014

It's BEGINNING To Look Like A House!

Another inspection under the belt - Glenn is doing great work and I'm so proud of all he has already accomplished!

The contractor's crew moved in Monday to start the framing and sub floor - and the dispatcher called me today to let me know the logs would be arriving next week!  WHOO HOO!!!  We are VERY excited!!

 Glenn has moved a lot of dirt around and you can hardly see all those white blocks at the front of the house that I put the tar on hour after hour.................

The weather is STILL holding and I actually hiked today in a tank top!  We're praying for sunny skies and no snow for the next few weeks!!


Teri said...

Wow - looking great. I bet you are soooo excited.

Anonymous said...

This is really cool, I'm currently learning about the steps of construction of a house in one of my classes. I hope your house turns out well. You should check out my blog,