Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Minute To Win It Games

Jessi had the great idea to intersperse with our presents, minute to win it games!!  Excellent idea and SO MUCH FUN!!!

Between the 4 of us gals, we wrapped 6 gifts to the 6 kids (Gwyn is too little to appreciate this yet!!) which included the instructions to a minute to win it game, any supplies needed, a $5 gift for the person who opened and a $5 gift to the winner.   After the child opened the package, he or she drew 3 names out of a hat who would play the game with him or her.

The games were hilarious and I don't have a lot of pictures since I played 2 of the games and video taped a couple of the others!!

In this photo, the guys are up in the loft, using strings with a candy cane on the end, trying to get the candy cane in a bottle.

And here's the bottles!!

In this game, the 2 kids and the 2 girls have Vaseline on their noses and a string in their mouth with a piece of red fluff on the end - object is to get the red on your nose!!!  It was hilarious!!

Here they are using a long spaghetti to pick up macaroni through its' hole and put it on a plate!!

One of the funniest games was an empty Kleenex box held on your behind by a belt and filled with light small balls - object was to dance and jump up and down to get the balls out of the box - we laughed and laughed!!!!

We also celebrated Gary's birthday that evening!!!  Yes, his birthday fell on our celebration day!!  How fun to enjoy jello cake with him!!

Even though Gwyn wasn't feeling well, she was a real trooper and held up well!!

Our final event of the evening was doing our annual "predictions" to see who got the frog for the year - Glenn and I did AWFUL!!!  We were at the bottom of the pack ..................guess the frog won't be living at our new house this next year!!  Believe it or not, Jaime and Brad won!!!  And that is quite the feat for them because they have NEVER won since we started doing this!!  So Congratulations to them for answering the most questions right!!

What a great Christmas we had - and many more to look forward to!!!


Teri said...

The game looks hilarious! What fun.

Jill said...

The games were so much fun! Definitely something we need to do again!

DrKeppy said...

It was so fun!!