Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Snow, Snow and MORE Snow

March used to be our snowiest month - now it seems to be April!!  While I was gone to Savannah, Glenn took a couple of  pics hours apart of the deck and you sure could see the difference in the snow amounts!

 It was a LOT of snow!!  And then last weekend, the snow came again - not as much but it came over a 3 day period which is pretty unusual for us not to see the sun for 3 days!  I didn't take any pics of how deep it was but did snap this pretty picture off the deck!

It was another wet, heavy snow which was wonderful moisture for us!  Luckily it has all melted and today topped out at 65 degrees!  We are all really hoping that spring has arrived!

1 comment:

Teri said...

Can't believe all that snow! We have flowers blooming and rain.