Sunday, June 12, 2016


Finally we know spring has arrived because the lilacs are blooming!!!  I stopped at an undisclosed location to cut a few stems off but they weren't budded out enough and never opened after I brought them home!  But I went into a friends' house in W Pk last Wed. and she had a huge bush that was just gorgeous - I asked her if I could have a few to take home and I've enjoyed them immensely!!

They were some of the best smelling lilacs ever!! 

Now it's time to get another batch before their short season is up!


Teri said...

I did get to see my lilacs this year - just a little- they seem to always be in best bloom while I am away from the house. Those are lovely!

DrKeppy said...

Mmmmm I can still smell them if I close my eyes and think hard enough.....

Jill said...

Hey now...mine are the best smelling! I have a guess at your secret lilac location!