Monday, January 30, 2017

A Triple Birthday Party!

Because Glenn and I are usually gone part of Feb., we are never around for the two February birthdays of Evan and  Parker and sometimes not around for Rayna's birthday the beginning of March.  So this year we decided to have an EARLY party for all 3 of them (and also to wish Brad a Happy Birthday on Jan. 29th and Jaime a Happy Birthday on March 19th).

We headed up Friday so Glenn could ice fish during the day and I hung out at Jessi's house till the gang started rolling in!  Gary grilled up some great chicken for dinner and we watched "Sully" that evening - a good movie!

Saturday morning I decided to try out the camera on my NEW IPHONE 7PLUS!!!  Yes, I upgraded!  Jaime had gotten the same one a while back and I really liked the big screen - since my phone was old and not holding a charge, I knew I would have to get a new one soon so went for a new one and I love it!  The camera is AMAZING!!

Check out this little cutie!!  I have never had a grand child HUG like she does!!  When she sees you, she comes a running and jumps into your arms and holds on for dear life!!  Friday afternoon we had went to the school to pick up Evan and Kenzie and the babysitter had brought Gwyn there - when she saw me, she came a running and just flew into my arms - I wish Jessi could have recorded it because it was so cute!!

 Kenzie was all smiles sitting in the sun drawing!

 After coffee Saturday morning, we headed over to Jaime's house and had a ball singing on the karaoke machine that Jill had brought down!  Gosh is that thing fun!!

 In between songs, air hockey was played!!

 Jaime and I are attempting a song here - just can't remember what it was!!

 And then it was birthday opening time!!  Parker turns 6 on Feb. 13th and he loves Lego's!

 Rayna turns 15 (15 - man that makes me feel old!!!) on March 2nd - she loves shopping on Amazon!

 Evan turns 10 on Feb. 18th - he also is picking out things to buy on Amazon!

And then it was out to the kitchen for dessert - so stay tuned for the next blog!!

1 comment:

Teri said...

So fun to celebrate early - bet the kids loved it. And congrats on the new phone!