Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Easter 2017 Part One

Our family Easter celebration was held on Saturday - first up was the Easter program followed by the Easter Egg Hunt at Jill's church!  Since Jessi had to work for a couple of hours, Jaime's brought the Keppy kids up and Gwyn was excited to see us!  Check out their matching dresses!!

 After the kids program, it was outside for the egg hunt - perfect weather!!

Jessi took this darling photo of Gwyn - wish I could claim the photo but I can't!!

Aleah, Kenzie and Parker with the Easter Bunny!

 After a quick lunch, the kids settled down to dye Easter eggs!  We stuck with just the regular dye this year with no shaving cream!!

 Gwyn even enjoyed dyeing the eggs!!

 The boys getting in their technology time! 

And then it was time for the hunt in the back yard - To Be Cont'd..........

1 comment:

Teri said...

What fun - looks like great weather. I miss doing egg hunts and egg dyeing!