Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Life Is All About Change

Can you believe it?  We have kids MOVING TO TELLER COUNTY in a little over a month!! 

Jaime and Brad weren't planning on moving till after Rayna graduated but Jaime's job at the private pharmacy is not working out as expected and she needed to get another job!  Instead of trying to get a job in Denver and then transfer in 3 years, she opted to get a job in our area and move now!!

So 3 things needed to happen:  1)  Find a rental to live in (since they certainly can't get a house built in a month) 2)  Jaime needed to get a job and 3)  They need to sell their house in Denver!

The rental selection around here is slim and none since the Charis Bible College moved in a few years ago!  But Jaime got on the list to be notified as soon as anything popped up and sure enough this last week one became available in Woodland Park that would work out perfect!!  The showings would begin at 1:00 last Saturday - but since the 1:00 was booked before she called, she asked if she could have a 12:45 appointment and the realtor agreed to it!  Jaime also filled out the online application that day with the required fee!

We saw the inside of the rental last Saturday and it will work out just great so Jaime told the realtor immediately she wanted it and wrote out the deposit check - because she had the first appointment and her application done, she had first choice!!  Good thing because the appointment at 1:00 had called the realtor earlier and offered MORE rent money if he could have at!!  By the time Jaime had handed over her security deposit, there were 4 more families touring the house!!  WOW !!!!

The house is located right on the east edge of Woodland Park and will be great for Jaime to get on the highway and drive to Co. Springs for her job!

Now the job situation: The pharmacy job application is an online app for all companies - Jaime applied to several but immediately heard from Safeway (where she used to work as the manager for many years before they shut her store down) and did the oral interview - after a "in person" interview last Friday, she waited patiently all weekend to get the phone call which arrived on Monday morning offering her a job as manager in the Fountain area (the south end of Co. Springs)!  We were all so happy when she got the call and she should be starting mid-May!

So 2 out of 3 isn't too bad!!!!  Jaime and Brad are working frantically on their house to get it on the market soon!  They had previously started a huge project of replacing all the carpet with vinyl plank wood looking tiles so have to finish that up along with painting 2 levels - they have a lot done and Glenn and I went up for 2 days last week to help them out!  Jaime and I got a lot of packing and sorting done and we'll go back up after we return from our fishing trip to KS.

It all seems so unreal at this point!!  I just can't imagine having them so close by with the 2 kids in the local schools here! 


Teri said...

Wow what news! How exciting for you and them. Keep us informed! When do you head to KS?

Craig in Iowa said...

What great news! It is so cool to have grandkids so close. It makes it so much easier to be an active part of their lives. Craig F.