Monday, April 17, 2017

Not Enough Hours In The Day!

Thursday we headed out - first to Colorado Springs so I could pick up my new glasses!!  I LOVE them and was glad to take off the other pair as I hadn't been happy with the frames since I got them!!  And then it was up to Ft. Collins for 3 1/2 days!

Aleah had soccer practice late afternoon so went with Jill so we could watch a little and walk a lot!!  Friday Jill worked and mid-morning I went to Parker's kindergarten class as I was the "mystery reader" that day!!  He was so surprised when I walked in the door!  The little ones were so cute as they were having a party that day so had all worn their pj's and brought their blankets and stuffed animals!!

 Then it was back home for a little bit before I headed back to the school to surprise Aleah by eating lunch with her!!  She invited 2 of her friends to sit at the "guest" table and we all had fun!!

 Parker only goes to 1/2 day kindergarten so I picked him up and we ate a quick lunch and then headed to the theater to see "Boss Baby" for a belated birthday present!!  He loved the movie - I just liked it!!  Ha Ha!

 Back home for an early dinner before Aleah's soccer game - in between all of this I made punch, a salad and boiled eggs for coloring!!

Then we were off to the game!!  It was fun watching Aleah play in the gorgeous Ft. Collins weather!

I was one tired "Nana" that night!!


Teri said...

Sounds like a busy time -so nice you get to spend so much time with them. I have a weekend coming up soon - can't wait!

Jill said...

You are the best! What a busy day!

Craig in Iowa said...

Isn't retirement great!! My calendar is three times as full now with all the grandkid activities, travel, yard projects, scout camp outs and taking the kids fishing!