Thursday, July 27, 2017

Trusses For The Shop

In the midst of our busy July, Glenn has been continually working on the shop!!  He was excited when it was finally time to put up the trusses!  Unfortunately Glenn's skidster couldn't lift the trusses high enough so he borrowed a friends' machine and rigged it up to lift them!

 Our neighbor was kind enough to help man the ropes to hold the truss steady as Glenn was lifting it - it was a little nerve racking to watch at first!!

 But on the days that the neighbor couldn't help, guess who was volunteered - yup - I actually did a pretty good job of helping Glenn and after several days, they eventually all got up!!

It's starting to look like a shop now - but I'm sure there are still many, many hours left to finish it!

1 comment:

Teri said...

I am impressed - what a job!