Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Kylan's Concert

It's pretty cool to have kids in the local school system - I have to say that driving 20 minutes to see a music concert sure beats the heck out of driving to Denver or Ft. Collins!!  Unfortunately, we miss a lot of those things for our other grand kids!

But Kylan had a music concert the other night and it was fun to hear the 4th graders sing - they were all dressed in some type of food or condiment costume and Kylan was the ketchup bottle!  He even had a small speaking part during one of the songs which was so cute!!  Since we were in the back (with Rayna still on crutches it's easier to stay towards the back of any room) my pictures didn't turn out great but they'll do!!

Before Kylan's picture (since Blogger isn't cooperating today) is one of our gorgeous sunrises that we are having this time of year - I just can't stop snapping pictures of them!!

Here's our ketchup bottle Kylan!!  He sure did a great job!!

Since Jaime had to work Sunday and Brad is in Iowa hunting, I decided to bring the kids out for the day!!  We had a great time hanging out and playing games - one of my favorite things to do!!  Even though the kids have the "new" Monopoly with the credit card, they love playing the "old" one!

Then we decided to start on a jigsaw puzzle that I had ordered - it was addictive to say the least and the kids worked hours on it (along with Glenn and I) and actually finished it before Jaime took them home that night!

Here's the puzzle!!

There are actually a couple more cute ones like this from the place I order from so I may just have to order them since the kids enjoyed this one so much!!  I know one is candy bars which would be a fun one but can't think of the other one.................anyway it was a fun day and hopefully we can do this more often!!


Teri said...

So cool! Love that you get to see them at their concerts. And I love the puzzle!

Jill said...

I haven't done a puzzle in forever. That might be fun over Thanksgiving!

DrKeppy said...

Oh how fun! Yes so nice that you can make it to the Smiths' events so easily! Will you pass that puzzle to us - looks like fun!! And yes let's set up a table and do one at Thanksgiving!!