Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Thanksgiving Eve

About time I get busy and blog about Thanksgiving!!  Since I was hosting this year (and I haven't had Thanksgiving at my house for many, many years!) it took a lot of prep work to get the house ready for a total of 16 people! 

The Keppys came down on Wednesday - Jessi helped me in the kitchen and I think I spent a total of 5 hours in there that day!  In between making stuff, friends Brandi and Brad from Iowa (who bought our Indian Creek property) stopped in for a couple hours so we visited with them!

Of course we had our little helper helping us!

Gwyn made this at her babysitters' house!

Robby and Jill stopped out later that evening to drop off Aleah and take Evan back to Jaime's (where they were staying!)

Gwyn wanted to sleep in our room again - she did great, although she did get up a couple of times!  And before we knew it, Thanksgiving had arrived!!  To be cont'd................

1 comment:

DrKeppy said...

So glad I got you on the "Thanksgiving Eve" thing - ha! And even more glad I got to spend it with YOU!!!