Thursday, March 15, 2018

Jill Arrives

How fun to look forward to Jill flying into Cabo and spending a few days with us!!  Not long after Dave and Leslie left, it was time to head to the airport to pick her up!   We parked the truck in a parking lot and headed in, only to discover her flight had been delayed an hour..............luckily there was a very nice waiting room INSIDE as it was 92 degrees when we pulled in!!

And soon she arrived!!  How fun it was to have her here!!  We piled in the truck and went to the exit and there was a large van in front of us that we waited and waited for and finally they motioned for us to back up - so we did - and the car in front of us went through the exit but we tried our parking ticket and it wouldn't work and also discovered there was no place to put any money!!  REALLY???

So we backed up and the gal from the van was walking down from the airport with an attendant - she was nice enough to tell us that you had to pay at a location up by where you walk in and THEN bring your paid ticket and stick it in!!  So Jill and I jumped out and walked up while Glenn circled the small parking lot!  We found the place to pay and got it taken care of and this time when we put the ticket in, the arm raised and we could get out!!  Always an airport story...............

It's only an hours' drive to the airport so it didn't take long to get Jill back here and settled in!!  It was extremely windy the first couple of days she was here!!

Check out those palm trees blowing!!!

It was interesting putting 3 of us on the ATV to drive to town - yes, we could have taken the truck in but it's so large to park and the main road through town is so narrow it's just easier to take the ATV!  Glenn sat up close to the handle bars and I sat right behind him - we made it work!!

Jill had said before that she wanted some of that yummy shrimp and sangria that we had for our anniversary so that's where we headed!!  She wasn't disappointed!!

Our meal was once again excellent!!  We sat in the back this time so just had to get a picture of the pirate in the background since we were eating at El Pirata!!


Teri said...

How fun! So nice she got to visit you!!

DrKeppy said...

Yay! SO jealous! :)

Jill said...

I could eat some more of that shrimp right now! And of course the sangria!