Monday, March 19, 2018

Life In The Baja

With company gone, we have gotten down to day to day living!  For Glenn, that means fishing and for me, that means reading!

If the weather is calm, Glenn is up at the crack of dawn, heading out to fish!  I'm up shortly afterward to do my stretches and then head out for my walk on the beach!  Once in a while I do up some laundry and sweep through our casita - but mostly the days are spent reading or on the computer.

Sunday was windy so there was no fishing to be done!  We headed into town via the beach to have coffee at this new outdoor coffee place we had seen!  They did make mochas but no flavorings - what a beautiful design on the top of our coffee!

After coffee we headed to the local art/craft show that is held once a year - lots of things to look at!  They had kids from the local school do several dances which was fun to watch!

Later that afternoon we had friends over for happy hour - life is good!!


Teri said...

It sure sounds like life is good. Enjoy!

Jill said...

Ahh, life IS good!