Thursday, August 16, 2018

Boys Will Be Boys

The boys were so excited to go swimming - Evan hadn't been to the new swimming pool yet and he was impressed!  I took my book and enjoyed reading (somewhat) while they swam!

Parker and Evan are excellent swimmers so they went to the other side of the pool and jumped off the diving board!

I guess I didn't realize how high Evan would jump because out of 3 pictures, this one was the best - I completely missed him one time!

After a couple hours of swimming, the boys showered and changed and we headed home!  I was tired by this time and told the boys I needed an hour to MYSELF to make a cup of coffee and relax!  Ha - of course that didn't happen - minutes after the boys went out to play, Parker came running in saying Evan had fell and hurt his leg!  Yup - he sure did!!  It had rained and the grass was wet - he was trying to put the lizard they had caught the day before on a rock and he slipped and gashed his knee pretty good!!

We got it cleaned up and bandaged and it was rest and relax for Evan after that!!

Later when he felt better, I got Glenn's hats down and told them I was doing a photo shoot!!  The boys had fun posing and would switch hats every so often!!

This is my favorite picture!!  What a crew!

 Tuesday morning it was time to say goodbye to the mountains!!  I dropped Kylan off in Woodland Park and then headed to Denver to drop Evan off - had lunch with Jessi and then drove to Ft. Collins to spend a couple nights!!

It was an awesome time with the boys - until next boys weekend.................


Teri said...

What a fun time! So happy you get to do that with them!!

Jill said...

Glad you survived! Parker had so much fun and still talks about it!