Saturday, August 4, 2018

This 'N That

Life is busy - almost WAY too busy!  I really thought just June and July were crazy but as I look at the calendar for August, it doesn't look much better...............

We must be getting old!!  Or at least Glenn is - ha!  He's been dealing with doctors lately and finally has some answers!  His shoulder has bothered him for years but he's never had an MRI done to see what was wrong - but he had one done a few weeks ago and it showed he has 3 torn tendons - no wonder it hurts him!  We both really like the surgeon we visited with and it's been determined that Glenn does need surgery but until the surgeon gets in there, he's not sure how much damage is done and what the recovery time will be.  So Glenn has opted to wait till Nov. to have the surgery which is after hunting season and our Disneyworld trip - that way if recovery time is long, he can recuperate without much going on...........

He also has been dealing with hearing loss since he had a bad cold/flu last November.  After going to the dr several times and nothing working, she sent him to a hearing specialist - they determined he had permanent hearing loss and sent him to an audiologist.    They in turn did testing and agreed that it IS permanent hearing loss but he needed another MRI to determine if there was any mass behind the ear that the dr. couldn't see.  So another MRI which showed nothing - yay!!  He will just have to deal with the hearing loss (but I think he hears pretty well except when he doesn't want to - ha ha)!!

We had friends, Larry and Joyce from Hudson, CO, join us for a couple of nights - Joyce was part of our "church ladies" group and I sure miss her being around!!  We enjoyed just catching up and having lunch with another friend in town!  Larry and Glenn had fun working in the shop and doing some welding together.

The annual Florissant Pancake Breakfast was held last weekend - we always enjoy going there with Dick and Jane and eating breakfast - usually we see SOMEBODY we know but this year sure looked like a lot of strangers!!

Glenn has been busy building a workshop inside of the big shop!  He has it all framed in and a lot of "junk" put on top of the workshop for storage!  Now it's time for the sheet rock!  He's also been doing some welding and fixing up of an old Willy's jeep he bought!  He sure does love his projects!

And me - with all the company it seems like all I get done is menu planning, grocery shopping, cleaning and laundry!!  But I love having company!  In between I still work at the Food Pantry twice a month (and Rayna has joined me a couple of times) and have worked at the Thrift House more this summer since I didn't work much in the spring!  Time just flies when you're busy!!


Jill said...

And busy you are Mom! You do make the best hostess!

Teri said...

So busy! Glad you have lots to do. I love hearing about all the normal things you do and all the fun things - enjoy!