Thursday, March 21, 2019

Breakfast and Fishing

We love going out for breakfast!  There's 3 favorite places to go in Los Barilles and it's nice to go early before the little town gets busy!  El Viejo was the choice for this breakfast!  I'm stuck in a rut and always get the ham and cheese omelet but it's SO GOOD why should I change!  One of the things I like about this place is their jamaica juice or the proper name, aqua/rosa de Jamaica!  They have a huge jug of it and it's delicious!!  It's made from the roselle flower.

This is the beach that I walk every morning!  

I've yet to tire of the view from the sliding glass doors!

Glenn is enjoying fishing when the wind isn't blowing!  Eric went out with him one day which was nice because I didn't have to help him get it out of the front yard and then launch it!

But early mornings when he goes out by himself, I have to help him.  A friend took this picture!  We can get the boat to the water with just the ATV but when he comes back in, he has to have the truck to bring it all the way up!

And away he goes................


Jill said...

The boat seems like a lot of work but I know Glenn's enjoying it!

Teri said...

The view is fantastic. But I agree with Jill - too much work for me to get a boat in the water. But I bet Glenn is in heaven!