Monday, April 29, 2019

Easter 2019 Cont'd

Our Easter feast is usually late afternoon but since 5 of the family had to leave by mid-afternoon, we pushed our big meal up to lunchtime!  The hams and baked potatoes were done by the time we got home so we finished up the other details and had a great meal together!

Next up was the Easter Egg Hunt in Jill's back yard - always a fun time!!  We still use the "one color per kid" and it works out great!!

Gwyn loved her Easter bucket filled with goodies - I knew this cute outfit would look darling on her!!

The other kids usually don't get a gift from us but this year I decided to give each family a new card game that I just love!!  My friend had brought it to Mexico and I enjoyed it so much that I decided to order it for everybody, including myself!!  They all love it now too and it's a great game for all the ages!!  In case you don't have it, it's called Skyjo.

Coloring eggs was up next - they all had fun!!

And the eggs turned out great as usual!!

Jessi had made pistachio dessert (aka My Green Heaven) and we always snap a picture and send it to Cindy and Rene' - our wonderful friends who we used to always celebrate Easter with!!

Jessi and her girls left later on after a wonderful day!!  Robby was STILL pretty much under the weather but we did watch some TV and enjoy the evening together!

Easter Sunday dawned cool but sunny and we snapped a few pics before heading to church!

What a wonderful Easter weekend with family - it was great to see everyone and catch up after our trip to Mexico!!  Thanks Jill for hosting an awesome Easter get-together!!!


Teri said...

What a wonderful Easter!

Jill said...

It was a great weekend! Thanks for all your help!