Sunday, April 28, 2019

Easter 2019

It was great to be home again, get unpacked and tackle that pile of mail before we headed out that next Friday morning to Jill's for Easter!  Life does go on.......

We did have to stop at St. Francis Hospital (which is north Co. Springs anyway) so I could get a blood draw for surgery the next week - of course it took MUCH longer than anticipated and then on the way to Denver we decided to stop at Jessi's work.  Her chiropractic table was broke (wouldn't go up or down) and before she bought a new one, Glenn decided he wanted to take a peek at it and see if there was any way he could fix it!

As we know, Glenn is VERY good at fixing things and he decided he could probably fix it so showed Jessi how to get a part off and told her to bring it to Ft. Collins so he could work on it!  And in case I forget to finish this story, I'll just do it now!  Glenn worked on it in Ft. Collins over Easter and we stopped back at her office on the way home.  Gary and Jessi drove over to let us in the office and by golly, he fixed it!!!  Jessi was SUPER happy and we celebrated with ice cream!!

So we got to Ft. Collins a little later than we expected on Friday - the Smiths (minus Rayna) arrived and we all enjoyed pizza!  After the kids were in bed, it was time to stuff the Easter eggs with candy!  Usually it's just Jill and I doing this so we were happy to have Jaime to help this year!

The next morning Jessi and the girls arrived in one car and Gary and Evan came in another car.  Unfortunately, Evan had a basketball tournament that afternoon so him and Gary had to leave after lunch.  As did the Smiths as Kylan had a soccer game..........It's easy to see that this could happen virtually every year as the kids get older but at least we were all together for a little while - except for Rayna of course who had a track meet!!

Once again, Jessi had found matching dresses for the girls - they still love dressing alike!

The boys looked pretty cool too!!

We headed to Jill's church for the church program and Easter egg hunt - check out the 3 good looking daughters!!!

Not very often I get a picture of these 3 - Robby was feeling quite under the weather and ended up getting worse while we were there so he wasn't able to come!

It was a great program as usual and the magician was awesome!!  Once again there were huge quantities of eggs for the hunt!  Check out Gwyn's cowboy boots with her dress!

It's fun to watch the little ones pick up eggs - even though there might be 5 or 6 right in her path, Gwyn would be on a mission to pick up a particular egg!

The girls did great too and had fun looking for the "golden" egg but it wasn't found by any of our kids!

The weather was gorgeous and the kids were able to be outside once we got back to the house - stay tuned for Easter Part Two!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Yes, the girls look SO cute!