Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Our Final Days at Spa Buena Vista

Can this really be our last day here as I'm writing this?  Boy did that 5 weeks go fast!  Of course when you add on the 4 day travel time each way and the 4 days we stayed at San Lucas Cove, I guess it HAS been awhile since we've been home..........But this year was different and better than last year concerning the rental!  The last couple of years we were in a 450 sq ft casita that shared a large patio with the big house - we enjoyed both sets of people that were in the house!  But the neighbor on the other side sometimes drove me a little crazy!!

This year with the LARGE rental house we are in made for a much more enjoyable time here and we wished we would have booked 6 weeks - but no fear, we've already booked it NEXT year for 6 weeks!  The price of it was amazing and even though we had to pay for internet and the electric bill, it was still way below what we've paid the past couple of years!

We sure had fun picking up the sea glass this year - I always pick up little shells (but it's not a shell beach so they are rare to find!) but adding the sea glass made it so much more fun on my walks!!  Here's what we ended up with - 2 photos, one on each side of the post!  I want to put some in a clear glass jar with lights inside - Glenn has more serious intentions of making some jewelry - we shall see!!

We rode the ATV one final time out to the beach bar, El Gecko!  Glenn ordered some clam chowder which came in a bread bowl and it was excellent!!  The guacamole was plenty for me, along with my mango daiquiris!!

And now it's time to journey on back to the mountains to see the kids and grand kids, prepare for Easter with the family and unfortunately surgery for me!!  But more on that later.........  Vacation isn't quite over yet!


Teri said...

What a fantastic time. Drive safe!!

Jill said...

Looks like fun enjoying your last meal at El Gecko! Glad the new rental worked out so well for you!