Saturday, May 11, 2019

A Whirlwind In Denver

What a fun time we had in Denver this last week!  I knew there was a lot of events going on and I was thankful that I was feeling good enough to enjoy all of them!

Monday evening was Evan's 6th grade band concert!  He plays the saxophone (very well I might add for only starting it this last school year!) and loves playing in band!  The concert was great and we
really enjoyed it !

Tuesday morning I caught Papa reading to Gwyn!

 Jessi and I went out for coffee Tuesday morning while Papa watched Gwyn!  It was Caribou and oh so good!!

And then we were off to Gwyn's gymnastics!  She looked so cute out there and does great!

 After Gary got home from work Tuesday afternoon we headed to Costco - we don't have a membership (yet!!) so it was fun to walk around and not only taste all the samples but to buy some stuff as well!!  I've discovered they have the BEST cheese bagels!!

The weather was NOT great the entire time we were up there and Wednesday morning it was raining for the Mothers Day program and brunch at Gwyn's pre-school!!

Gwyn did wonderful reciting the cute little song for their moms and afterwords we went downstairs for a very nice brunch!

 I forgot we went to Kenzie's school to eat lunch with her after gymnastics on Tuesday!  She got to invite one friend to the special table and we enjoyed visiting with them!

Jessi had to work after the brunch on Wed. so Gwyn and I played the day away..........and that evening it was Kenzie's time to shine at her choir concert!

They did one song from each decade and it was so good!!!  Of course I knew all of the songs so that made it even better!!!

And Thursday morning we headed home in the snow!!   What a great time at the Keppys and so fun to go to all of the events!


Jill said...

How nice to hit something for each kid! So glad you were feeling well enough to go!

Teri said...

What a fun time!!