Friday, December 13, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

It's taken a while but it's FINALLY time to blog about Thanksgiving!  WOW it's been a busy couple of weeks and it seems like today is the first time I've had to catch my breath in quite a while!

So backtrack to Thanksgiving!We knew our time together was going to be a little different this year - Gary had to work on the Friday after Thanksgiving as did Jaime.  So the Keppys came down Wed. late afternoon and spent the night - they actually left Thanksgiving day.  Jill's came down the morning of Thanksgiving and then spent Thanksgiving nite and Friday night with us.  Jessi left Evan and Kenzie here so they could be with their cousins and Jill's dropped them off on their way home on Saturday!  Always a little confusing figuring everything out!

Jessi had to make the rolls for Thursday so her and Evan dug in after they arrived and made them!  I LOVE that dough!

On Thanksgiving day we always try to take individual family pictures - good thing we did as we sure didn't accomplish it during Christmas!!  Jaime and Brad hosted in their new house and it worked out so well!

Jaime had her house all decorated for Christmas so it was fun to take the "tour" of all her Christmas trees!!  The weather was cold but beautiful out and it was a perfect day to celebrate all we are thankful for! 

1 comment:

Teri said...

What a nice time to get together!