Sunday, May 24, 2020

Graduation - Part One

How exciting - our FIRST granddaughter to graduate from high school along with our "adoptive" grandson!!  We were all on pins and needles waiting for Woodland Park High School to make the final arrangements which had to get approved through 3 different agencies!  But it WAS all approved and an actual graduation was going to happen - although a unique one at best!!

Rayna and Matias will never forget this graduation during the pandemic!  And we all hope it's the LAST graduation that has to happen this way!  But regardless, we all were just glad that the kids would get to walk and we could all watch it via livestream from our homes!

Graduation took place on May 22 - yes, it was Glenn's birthday - and Jaime planned a party at her house for the relatives!  The actual party came before the graduation at 5:00 so we all met at Jaime's and started the picture taking!

The kids had each set up a table apiece with annuals and school memories - it was great to look through it all!

They donned their caps and gowns  and looked so sharp in them!

Decorating their hats seems to be a tradition now!

Cakes were displayed and boy were they good!  Glenn was thrilled when we cut into Matias' cake as he had ordered German chocolate which is Glenn's favorite!!  I had already told Glenn I wouldn't be making him a German chocolate one since we would be having graduation cake so it worked out

The kids opened their cards and gifts - I had started a scrapbook for Rayna of her professional pictures which she was young and then school pictures almost 18 years ago!!  I finished it up a few days before graduation and it did come out really nice!!

Rayna and Matias had to leave around 4 to get into town and up to the football field where graduation would be taking place!  There were staff around to get them where they needed to go and masks were mandatory - their seats on the football field were 6 feet apart and all in all, it worked out very nice!

We took our places at Jaime's house and all remarked on what a unique experience it was going to be to watch them on TV!!  It certainly was a lot more relaxing than sitting in an auditorium!  Here is the gang all ready to watch!

We're always blessed to have a tech guy around when we run into problems and that's exactly what happened when Jaime tried to live stream the ceremony!!  It was touch and go for a while but Robby got things straightened out just in time to start watching!!   To Be Cont'd....


DrKeppy said...

Yay Rayna and Matias!! I LOVE the book you made Rayna!

Jill said...

It sure was a unique experience! But hey, they graduated!