Sunday, May 3, 2020

Life In Colorado

Life HAS changed!  Because we live in the country and are not in town everyday, we don't see the closed stores and the minimum traffic and the theater marque with no movies posted, etc. etc. etc.

But when we DO go to town, it's a whole lot different!  Yes, we are required to wear masks in the grocery store now - I don't like it but I do it!  There is a guy posted by all of the carts who is continually cleaning each one as it's brought back in - that's great!  But I miss seeing peoples' faces and I'm sure I am seeing people I should know but I don't actually recognize because their mask is covering up most of their face!

Empty shelves - the paper products of course are the first that I notice.  But the baking goods aisle is pretty scarce too and now that we've a national meat shortage (yea, right!!!) we are limited on the amount of packages we can buy for beef and pork.  Luckily we rarely have to buy meat since we get our hamburger from our rancher friends and still have part of a hog in the freezer along with an entire shelf of fish!

Our new drive-up coffee place is closed - really????  That shocked me!  Walmart seems to have the most people, and the mask wearing is about 1/2 and 1/2 I would say.  But there are more empty shelves in Walmart than my grocery store!

People - yes, we were supposed to quarantine for probably a couple of weeks from the time we left Mexico - didn't happen for me!  After a week I needed to see Jaime and her family so went over and spent most of the day catching up!!  It was fun to sit with Kylan so he could show me what he does on the computer for studies now - wow, what technology!  Matias had a different car to show me - and Rayna is starting to look at places in Co. Springs for college this fall so it was fun to look at houses!!  (Jaime and Brad are planning on buying her and Matias a house to live in while they attend college).  And I am SO excited to head to first Denver this weekend and then up to Ft. Collins to see the rest of the family!!  Mothers' Day will be extra special this year as I don't always get to spend it with anybody!

For the most part we are just working around here!  As you can imagine, it took quite a while just to get caught up with all of the housework, laundry, mail and unpacking!  I make it a point to stop at 9:30  every day I'm home and have coffee on my front porch for an hour - I LOVE that!!  And at 3:00pm, I am done working and doing what I want to do!  Most of my "work" projects are almost done and then I can start on some "fun" projects for me!!

Glenn - I don't have to worry where to find him as he's either in the shop or the greenhouse, spending hours and hours perfecting his aquaponics and building a hydroponics system!  He just loves doing that type of stuff and it keeps him busy and out of my hair!

We're excited to get the 5th wheel out and the Razor and do some camping!  We're not sure places are quite open yet, but I do know Pueblo Reservoir is open and Glenn always likes to fish there in the spring.  But I don't think camping is open quite yet - hopefully soon!

The days have been nice although we are really dry again and already under a fire ban - that's pretty typical for spring around here!  On the bright side, the hummingbirds have arrived and I have both feeders out - I DO love watching them when I sit on the front porch!

The virus - I haven't posted any case numbers but figured I better since when I look back at this time, I will want to remember.....As of May 2nd, Colorado has 16,225 cases, 78,179 tested, 832 deaths.  Our county has 28 cases and 2 deaths - which has been the same for over 3 weeks now.  I really feel that we are on the downward side of things and hope that this summer can be somewhat normal, but I have a feeling that's not going to happen!

Our sisters "San Francisco" trip which was to be this last weekend of course got cancelled.  Time will tell whether our Europe trip next August will need to be cancelled.  It's pretty hard to imagine traveling during this time and I'm not sure next fall will be much different!

In the meantime, Glenn and I are keeping our immune systems healthy - which to me is the key to the virus!  I exercise daily, get plenty of sunshine and religiously take my vitamins and supplements!  I refuse to live in FEAR of Covid 19 and try to keep a positive attitude about it all!

It will be extremely interesting to see what the next few weeks bring - our county has started to open things back up - I'm not sure what will be open this next week (although I know the bank has opened its' lobby again) but I do have a massage this Tuesday and I'm absolutely looking forward to that!  Next on the list will be a haircut but as of yet, they haven't opened and I can't imagine how busy it will be when that happens!

In the meantime, I am enjoying each and every day in the mountains!! 


Teri said...

Glad you are back home and enjoying your mountain home! Yes - masks are no fun but I think are good to wear out when around other people. We are sure enjoying going up to our camp and getting away!

DrKeppy said...

Glad you are back!!! Yes things look different for sure!!!

Jill said...

Enjoy the mountains away from all the craziness!