Sunday, July 5, 2020

Boy Company

Evan came down to spend a few days with Kylan and they texted me one night and asked if they could come over the next day!  Of course!!

I was busy printing out bills for the homeowners association but they said they really just wanted to work on the fort and swing!  Brad dropped them off mid-morning and they had a fun time hanging out!

This is part of the fort that they worked on - it's the place to store their weapons!!  I LOVE the fact that they were having a great time outside instead of just being on technology!!

Hot chocolate is a staple at our house - especially for the grand kids!!  Kylan is looking a little bit spacey here as he was super tired!!  But I'm sure he didn't take a nap when they went back home!

It was great to have the boys over for a while!

1 comment:

DrKeppy said...

I'm so glad they took a break from technology to visit!! :)