Monday, October 5, 2020

Winding Through The Aspens

 Since Kebler Pass was on the docket for today's aspens and it's the road out of Crested Butte, I checked online and found a great place to eat breakfast - McGill's!  Since it was pretty darn cold out, we opted NOT to eat outside but enjoyed our breakfast inside at this cute place - breakfast was delicious!

And then it was on to the aspens!!

The traffic wasn't too bad but did get heavier as the day went on!  Glenn was the designated driver and I would say STOP when I wanted to take a picture!

This pass is one of the prettiest for aspens and I can why it's always in the top 10 places in Colorado to see color!

After Kebler Pass, we turned off onto Ohio Pass - it was just as beautiful!

We headed back to the lodge mid-afternoon and rested and then headed back out late afternoon to do Cement Creek Road - a couple years ago when we had done this road, we had seen 4 moose!  Unfortunately we didn't get to go all the way on it - since we were in the car and the time before we were on the ATV, the rocky road turned us back as we sure didn't need a flat tire!

We ate dinner that evening across the street at the other resort since the restaurant was closed where we were staying!  I had a cup of delicious french onion soup and since I still had room, I had dessert - banana cheesecake with all the trimmings!!  YUM!

We headed home the next morning and even saw a bull moose on Cottonwood Pass - a perfect way to end our fall trip!


Teri said...

Unbelievable!! Beautiful. So glad you get to see it.

DrKeppy said...

WOW! Such gorgeous pictures!!

Jill said...

I'm thinking one year I'll have to go with you!