Monday, November 23, 2020

And Covid Strikes

 Yes - read that again - covid has hit home!!

The night before Glenn left to go pheasant hunting up in Burlington, CO, he noticed he was losing his voice a little bit and wondered if a cold was coming on!  But he left early Friday to go hunt and stay in a hotel for a couple of nights!  He called Friday night and said he didn't feel great but knew he was just tired!

On Saturday, he got up early to hunt and mid-morning had to come back to the hotel to take a nap as he didn't have any energy - when he called Sat. night, he didn't sound very good and he said he must have picked up a bug somewhere and caught a cold.

He arrived home Sunday afternoon and immediately went to bed to rest!  Said he had a slight cough, no energy, and his chest felt tight.  Monday he felt about the same but had noticed his sense of smell wasn't very good - oh no - that's when we decided he had better get tested for the virus.  Thanksgiving was coming up AND Neal was headed out with his kids for the weekend to pick up 1/2 of the elk.

I had to bring Jaime's car home Tuesday (hers was in the shop getting repaired - Brad was gone hunting in Iowa with one of his trucks and Jaime was driving the other truck - Sunday morning she got up and she must have left something on because it was dead - called me as she HAD to get to work - all I had was Glenn's truck as he wasn't home yet so I raced over there and then she dropped me back off and headed to work in Glenn's truck - Glenn was to go charge the dead truck but he just didn't feel like it - so Jaime stopped by after work and left Glenn's truck and took my car, a little easier to drive and park) and get groceries so I rode in with Glenn and he was just going to drop me off after getting tested.

We arrived 15 minutes early and were already about 12 cars back - the gal came over and I asked her how long to get a test and she said at least an hour!!  I decided to just walk to the repair shop and get Jaime's car and get my errands done!

Glenn ended up waiting 1 1/2 hours to get the test done - and then Thursday the Dept of Health called and told him he was positive - darn!!  

We tracked it back trying to decide where he might have picked it up and all we could come up with was the end of our Utah vacation - but who knows?  He has felt a little better every day and today he even ventured outside to get some work done so I know he's feeling better!  It actually wasn't any worse than a bad cold for a couple of days and he NEVER had a fever as we checked it often - although who knows if he had a fever in Burlington!

Glenn's quarantine is up the 24th which is tomorrow - so on Wed. he is able to be out and about around other people.  Me - I'm not so lucky - although I have NO symptoms, my quarantine has to go an additional 10 days from the date his is done!!!  So I'm stuck at home until Dec. 4th!!

OF course that means I will miss Thanksgiving.....the kids and grand kid are all congregating at Jaime's place and Glenn and I will be home.   Glenn could actually go over there and see everyone and eat with them but he's not going to - he'll stay at home with me.  The girls will bring us plates of food after they're done eating so we'll still get to have all the Thanksgiving trimmings - and I'll still make what I'm supposed to and Glenn will take it over Thursday morning.

If I had a choice to make, I will take Christmas over Thanksgiving any day - so I'm praying everyone is healthy the 3rd weekend of Dec. so we can all celebrate together.

Meanwhile, my house is decorated, almost all of the presents are bought, and most of my projects are done - I do find things to do most mornings and afternoons are spent relaxing and reading.

I almost wish I would have had a couple of symptoms so I could have gotten tested and done Glenn's quarantine right along with him - but they have told us that if you get tested with no symptoms you could get a false reading.  So who knows if I have it or not?

So unless I blog about my daily housekeeping chores or my relaxing afternoons, there will be NOTHING to blog about till I'm off of quarantine - good thing I started taping Hallmark Christmas movies early.....


DrKeppy said...

I still can't believe Papa was the first one to get it out of everybody!!! So glad he has done fine with it. You probably have it too but are too healthy to show symptoms! We will SO miss Thanksgiving with you but at least it's not your favorite holiday!!

Teri said...

So glad you are both doing well. Take care and just plan lots of fun for Christmas!

Jill said...

Thanksgiving just won't be the same...but I'm glad Glenn is mostly over it and you feel great!