Sunday, November 29, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

 Was I a little out of sorts on Thanksgiving Day?  Of course - everybody was meeting over at Jaime's place and I couldn't go because I was still under quarantine from Glenn's covid.  He was free to go - but said he wouldn't because of me having to stay home.

I prepped my usual food on Wed. and told Glenn to take it over Thursday morning - he insisted I go with him and just stay in the car but I said no - I KNEW what would happen - he would get to visiting with everybody and would want to stay awhile - and that's exactly what happened!!  I was glad he got to see everyone and get in some "guy" time with the son-in-laws!

And me - I made special coffee and actually sat in my recliner with the Macy's parade on - something I never do as I'm always in the kitchen!  Rayna face-timed me for a couple of hours that morning and would walk around showing me what different people were doing and of course I would talk to several of them too so that did make it feel like I was ALMOST there!

The girls were kind enough to text me lots of Thanksgiving pictures so here they are!!

This is the pilgrim set my mom made for me in ceramics - it rarely ever got used because I always decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving!  This year I decided to give it to Jaime since she always hosts Thanksgiving and it looks so cute on her table!

Our 3 beautiful daughters!

These guys all look pretty happy!

Flannel shirts were the dress of the day!

The grand kids - it's amazing to see how much they've grown!

Rayna and Matias

I love shots like this!!  In the background is Bev (Robby's mom) and her boyfriend who usually join us.

And that's my girl helping mom make the punch that I sent over!

After they all ate and got the kitchen cleaned up, a bunch of them came over to our house with our meal that we would eat that evening.  They stayed on ground level and I stood outside up on the porch so we could all talk - it was sure hard not giving hugs!!

Glenn and I enjoyed our meal that evening - it was excellent and proved that the 3 girls can do it all at Thanksgiving, even without mom around!!  But I DON'T plan on missing another one!


Jill said...

It sure wasn't the same without you. And although we CAN make the meal, we sure don't want to do it again without you!

Teri said...

So sorry you missed it. But at least you got to see them - how nice!

DrKeppy said...

It was a strange one and you were MISSED!!!