Tuesday, December 15, 2020

An Awesome Tradition - Our "Unchoir" Party

 It's been HOW many years since we sang in the church choir together?   WAY too many to count!!  And yet the choir director Arlyne and soprano Beth  - we are still great friends and try to get together once every couple of months to catch up with each other!

Yes, we're all getting older and our numbers for the "unchoir" party are now reduced to 4 of us!  Many have moved away - and yet we remember each and every one!

We decided this year to get together at lunch time so nobody had to drive in the dark - does that tell you anything??????  Beth and I headed over to Arlyne's about 10:30 so we could have coffee together and catch up - Steve arrived later for lunch!

We had a very nice get together and served a light lunch of soup and bread - and then had a wonderful Christmas dessert together!

Arlyne's house is always beautifully decorated and with the fireplace going and snow outside, it was truly a wonderful day!  


Jill said...

How fun! I hope you sang some Christmas carols!

Teri said...

So cool you still get together!