Monday, April 26, 2021

Headed to Iowa

 We were out the door by 6:30am to head to Iowa along with Jaime who had gotten up really early and drove to Denver to meet us!  It was a little different route leaving from Denver vs leaving from our place!  The drive was fine - and it did take a couple hours less than usual which was nice since we were already in Denver.

Every time we had passed the Holy Family  Shrine at Gretna which is outside of Omaha, I always remarked that we should stop sometime and see it!  And since we had made great time (must have been due to Jaime's pedal to the metal when she drove) I looked it up online and saw that the church was only 3 or so miles off the interstate so yes, we were stopping!

It was a really cool chapel - I was totally impressed with it!

The chapel is glass walled with supports holding up the 45 foot roof.  You can see it off the interstate.

Out behind the chapel is a beautiful seating area where you can sit and reflect.

There is a man-made stream that flows along a path cut along the walkway to the entrance and then on into the chapel  - this photo shows going back into the gift shop area and is built to resemble the tomb where Jesus was laid.

The trees and bushes were in bloom here - beautiful!

It was a relaxing spot to take a breather before we headed into Soldier to stay at Patty and Leonards' place.    Patty wasn't there as she was helping out at Amys but it was great to see Leonard, along with my brother Jim who stopped by later.


Teri said...

The church is beautiful. What a great place to take a breather!

Jill said...

What a cool place! I think we'll have to stop next Iowa trip!