Sunday, July 10, 2022

Pre-Reunion Day

 We slept great in our place and took a walk around town before we ate breakfast -we could tell a couple of people were getting ready for a garage sale and later on that day found out that it was indeed a "town" garage sale that went through Saturday.

Brenda had suggested the night before that the 3 of us head to Mapleton and check out the new coffee place - right down my alley!  The place was cute as can be and we talked awhile at our table before walking through to the next store and then the next one!  They're all owned by the same person and have the cutest things - we all bought candles!

I prepped veggies and fruits for the snacks the next day and we headed up to Patty's for pizza late afternoon - some of her family was in and it was great to see Teri and all of her family!  Our 3 girls and the kids came up early evening - the guys stayed at Gales' to watch a hockey game!  We introduced all the cousins that were there and they soon headed to the basement for games.  

Jaime's in heaven - she found a cat!!  Jay's not so sure!!

Josh, Shawn and Jim!

Emily, Patty and Jay!

Jaime and Cheri

Seems like we stood around like this for a LONG time, just moving from circle to circle to visit!  What an awesome impromptu evening!


Teri said...

That was a great evening!

Jill said...

It was fun to see some of the cousins early!