Thursday, July 7, 2022

Iowa Bound (AGAIN)

 Yes, we were Iowa bound again on a Thursday to head back to the "Gran" reunion!  Our reunion plans started a year ago when we were having "sisters" trip at Patty's!  Patty's girls had come over and Jim's 2 boys were around so we all started talking about how much fun it would be to get the "cousins" all together!  And it took off from there!

It wasn't easy deciding WHERE to have it and WHEN to have it but after a lot of talks and dates, we all finally decided that hometown Soldier would be the best place to have it and June sounded a lot better than the middle of summer weather wise!

We were all excited to hear that the majority of us would be there and the final plans were made!

Glenn and I weren't thrilled about crawling back in the car for another 11 hours to Iowa since we had just been back for Nedelle's graduation but the trip went smoothly - and just so we can remember, gas was at an all time high!  We paid $5.25 in Limon!!  WOW!

I discovered another Scooters Coffee in Ogallala so the trip went a whole lot better after we stopped there and got my coffee!  After arriving in Soldier, we stopped at our rental which is a small local house that had been renovated by the owners that of course Patty and Jim both knew!  I had gotten an email that morning with the code and instructions but was a little confused when the email said "tomorrow" - I just figured she forgot to send it the day before!  I checked my dates and I did book the right 3 nights!

But I tried and tried the code and couldn't get in so called the gal - turns out she lives right next door and was so embarrassed when she realized SHE DID have the right dates on her calendar but thought it was the next night so the house wasn't quite ready!  No big deal - we unpacked and left to go to Jim's so she could get it ready!

The house was cute as can be - and we were thrilled to be right there in Soldier where all the action would be happening!  I didn't take a photo of the front but here's the back with a barrell fire pit!

We had a cocktail at Jim's and soon Patty and Leonard showed up so we all headed to Woodbine for an excellent meal!

Back to Jim's for our annual farm meeting and after that, we were all ready to hit the sack! 


Teri said...

I know your pain in the drive! But you made it and that house is darling!

Jill said...

The house was super cute! Didn't know about the check in mess up!