Wednesday, September 14, 2022

A Cross Country Meet, A Fire, and Cool Art Work

 What do those 3 have in common?  KIDS AND GRANDKIDS!  Evan had a cross country meet in Colorado Springs on the Friday of Labor Day Weekend - have you ever tried to get anywhere on a regular Friday afternoon, let alone Labor Day Weekend?  We knew it would be crazy busy but hey, at least we were going in the opposite direction of all of the campers!!

Jessi and Gary headed down early afternoon and of course they had some crazy traffic - ours was not so bad at our end!  We rode down with Jaime and Brad and made it to the Penrose stadium in good time!  Evan's school was the last team of the day to run - and it's nice he was last because it was darn hot in CS!

We did get to watch a couple of other races before it was time to head to the place where Evan would be starting - there were a LOT of teams in his division - WOW!!

Evan raced very well and came in 3rd for his team - YAY EVAN!  We headed back home while the Keppys waited for Evan.  This kid is sure tall - I REALLY feel short next to him!

We had a houseful as Jill and Aleah drove in later that night!  Gary and Jessi had the guest room, Aleah and Kenzie were on the hide a bed, Gwyn was on the floor in our bedroom, Evan was on a mattress on the floor in the family room and Jill got the 5th wheel!  But hey, we all fit and that's what matters!

Jessi and I were up early as usual so walked the loop - I hadn't done that in a long time and it felt great!  Gary ended up going on a run over at Mueller and the rest of us just hung out at the house!  Aleah and Kenzie wanted frappucinos so we tried our best and FINALLY got the right combination that tasted good to them!

Gwyn decided we needed more chalk drawings so we headed to the lower part of the house to draw!

Gwyn also requested a campfire so she could roast a marshmallow!  (Are you getting the picture that we  cater to the youngest?  ABSOLUTELY!!)  I decided I did NOT want to smell like a campfire that night so I stayed up at the house with part of the gang!  And yes, Gwyn got her marshmallow!

Our poor swing needs a new seat!  Glenn assures me it's very easy to do - and yet it's not done yet!  HMMMMMMM!

This little fire doesn't smell!!  And as warm as it was during the day, it did get chilly that night!

Here's to an awesome day!


Teri said...

What fun times!!

Jill said...

It's always fun at Nana's!