Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Thanksgiving Blessings

 This year it was back to our traditional get-together!  HOORAY!  Unfortunately the Keppys could only come down for the day since Gary had to work on Friday and Kenzie was signed up for Drivers Ed and Gwyn had a sleep over to go to - busy family!!  But we made the most of Thursday when we were all there but Matias who spent the day with his girlfriends' family in Parker.

Everyone met at Jaime's house mid morning and the preparations started - or should I say they continued as we ALL had dishes to make on Wednesday!

Kenzie decorated all the punch glasses with our names!  Pretty rare we get pics of the 4 guys!

I had found a cute picture of a turkey veggie plate so forwarded it to these 2 and asked if they could do the relish tray - it turned out SO CUTE!

Making our turkey and ham cream cheese and pickle roll-ups!   It's a favorite of us all!

And this is what the kids do ALL DAY LONG!   Drives me crazy but times have changed and I just need to accept it and carry on - HA!

Rayna helping out with the mashed potatoes!

We did a ham and a smoked turkey this year with all the trimmings - dinner was outstanding!

Yes, the ball game is paused in the background!

We decided that instead of sitting as couples, we would put the girls on one side and the guys on the other as it seems we're always trying to talk over each other - worked out great!

After a delicious dinner, we did the cleanup and played games.....more pics to come!


Teri said...

Looks like a great celebration and food!

Jill said...

So glad we were all back together!