Thursday, November 20, 2008


I consider myself healthy - I exericse 5 days a week, I eat pretty well, take my daily vitamin and calcium pills and my daily dose of Xango, and I don't usually stress a lot! So WHY oh WHY am I getting sick?

A month ago I had the cough, fever, etc. for almost 2 weeks - even missed a day of work because I couldn't talk! I FINALLY got past that and guess what, now it's the sore throat and cold that has found its' way into my body! Is this just a taste of what my entire winter is going to be like?

I'm sure no one else enjoys being sick either but I know a lot of people just don't take care of themselves - and that's NOT me! I STRIVE to stay healthy and well - I make it a point to get plenty of sleep and drink lots of water during the day and all those other things that one considers a "healthy lifestyle".

But I WILL get past this cold and sore throat - I'm determined to shake it as soon as possible because darn it, Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I DO NOT WANT TO BE SICK for it! And the new baby is due to arrive in the next 2 1/2 weeks and I DO NOT WANT TO BE SICK for that!!! Maybe if I just can't chanting I DO NOT WANT TO BE SICK, my body will hear it and believe it and I'll be well!! It's worth a shot I guess!!

1 comment:

Teri said...

Good luck - let me know if it works. Hope this passes quickly and you can enjoy the holidays and that new little one!